• A program is executed when a special method, the main method, is called by the run-time system (also known as the Java Virtual Machine
  • A primitive type is a collection of values
  • .A constructor is a method whose name is the same as the class’s name and whose purpose is to initialize the object’s fields
  • Method overloading is allowed for methods with different signatures
  • Method içerisinde tanımlanan değişkenlere yerel değişkenler denir.
  • The scope of an identifier is the region of a program to which that identifier’s declaration applies
  • An array is a collection of elements, of the same type, that are stored contiguously in memory. Contiguous means “adjacent,” so the individual elements are stored next to each other.3 For example, we can create an array of five String objects as follows:
    String [ ] names = new String [5];

Here the new operator allocates space for an array of five String references

  • String class is immutable
  • Aninterface is a collection of abstract methods and constants.
  • Java compiler automatically translates primitive values into wrapper objects: the technical term is boxing
  • Unlike an ArrayList object, an array object can consist of primitive elements.
  • For most of the classes in the Java Collections Framework, each instance is a collection, that is, each instance is composed of elements
  • Recursion plays a minor role in the Java Collections Framework: two of the sort methods are recursive, and there are several recursive methods in the TreeMap class